Affiliate Program FAQ

Promote on your website, via email or social media and get paid! It's absolutely free to sign up and use! Signing up is easy and using the program does not require any technical knowledge.

The answers to the most frequently asked questions about our affiliate program can be found on this page. In case you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to contact with us. We are here to help you!


What is an affiliate program? How does it work?

What are the advantages of your affiliate program over others, such as Tradetracker?

How do I sign up?

Who can use the affiliate system?

Does it cost money to sign up and use the system?

How much commission do I get?

How is the commission calculated?

How are sales tracked (tracked)?

How long does it take for commission to be added to my account?

Where can I see how much commission I've earned?

What happens if an order is cancelled?

Why does it take 30 days for commission to be added?

How can I get commission paid?

Where can I find an overview of payouts?

Where can I find my personal discount code?

Do I earn money if I give my personal discount code to someone who does not order via an affiliate link?

How much discount do people get from my personal discount code?

For which products can my personal discount code be used?

How do I create an affiliate link?

Where can I find images and banners?

How do I add an image or banner with an affiliate link?

Can I also use widgets?

Where can I unsubscribe or sign up for email notifications?

How can I delete my affiliate account?