Premium quality, packed with vitamins and minerals!
Get a wide range of nutrients from Dutch chlorella!
Premium Dutch chlorella
Sustainably grown in a 100% clean & controlled environment
High quality and nutritional value
Contains high levels of chlorophyll, is vegan friendly & rich in vitamins and minerals
Lab tested
Free from (environmental) chemicals, impurities and heavy metals
Thousands of satisfied customers throughout Europe
Benefits of Big Food Dutch Chlorella
Big Food Chlorella is produced in the Netherlands. Dutch production is a conscious choice because the origin and production conditions of chlorella grown abroad (mostly from China) are sometimes difficult to trace, this even applies to organic chlorella!
The unique production process of our Dutch chlorella is designed in such a way that the nutritional value is consistent and of very high quality. We use Chlorella Pyrenoidosa which is grown in a sterile and 100% pure and controlled environment away from toxins and chemicals.
This is why you want Big Food Dutch Chlorella:
- Premium product from Holland
- Sustainably produced
- Grown in a clean environment
- Packed with vitamins and minerals
- Source of proteins
- Rich source of vitamin B7 (biotin), vitamin K
- Rich source of iron, magnesium and potassium
- Contains antioxidants
- High levels of chlorophyll
What is Dutch chlorella used for?
Chlorella is a unicellular algae and is considered a "Superfood" because it is rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins and lipids, not to mention chlorophyll. It is highly nutritious and known for several health benefits and the ability to potentially reduce the potential risk of degenerative diseases. (Source: PharmaJournal)
What makes Big Food Dutch Chlorella special?
The Chlorella for Big Food is grown in the Netherlands. For algae cultivation, a 6-step method is used, the so-called Heterotrophic process (You can read more about this).
The Chlorella Pyrenoidosa is grown in a closed tank (bioreactor), for which only pure Dutch water is used. In addition, because of the closed tank, no contamination from outside is possible and there is no influence from varying amounts of sunlight or other changing weather conditions.
As a result, the quality of our Dutch chlorella is constant and fully controllable. Heterotrophic culture is the most consistent and purest chlorella culture possible.
How can Dutch Chlorella help you?
Most people are constantly exposed to (air) pollution during daily life. This makes it difficult to stay away from toxins, chemicals, dust and harmful substances that increase the risk of diseases and accelerate aging.
This is where Chlorella can help us. Chlorella contains many vitamins, minerals and amino acids that have been studied in clinical studies for its cleansing and detoxifying properties. (Source: Liebertpub)
Chlorella as a source of proteins
Chlorella is a source of protein. It also contains amino acids that help build proteins. Chlorella contains high quality proteins and has been studied as a possible alternative protein source (Source: Bioresources).
Chlorella contains protein with all the essential amino acids that humans need for muscle growth, maintenance of muscle mass and healthy bones (Source: Article 13). As a result, chlorella is often added to vegetarian and vegan diets.
Chlorella is considered a complete protein because it contains all 11 necessary amino acids, including leucine (Source: NCBI), which we cannot produce ourselves (Source: NCBI).
Algae - including chlorella - are very sustainable as a product. For example, algae are an excellent replacement for animal products that have a huge impact on CO2 emissions. In addition, the heterotrophic culture method is a very sustainable way of growing algae for no agricultural land is used. The cultivation of our chlorella takes place in the Netherlands, which means that the transport lines are short and therefore less CO2 and particulate matter are emitted.
Grown in the Netherlands, meets EU quality criteria
The cleanest growing method for chlorella
Free from contaminants
Free from harmful and foreign substances
Consistent quality and nutritional value
Full control over the growing process
“Dutch chlorella, I didn't know it existed, but after a little personal research it appears that we have mastered this perfectly. Extremely good chlorella. Even smells good."
- Frans Verhaegen -
Nutritional value of Dutch Chlorella
Big Food Dutch Chlorella is a natural source of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Chlorella is a complete and unrefined food that is considered a superfood due to its high concentration of nutrients.
It is packed with vitamins such as vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and minerals such as magnesium, potassium and zinc that can help your body regulate its normal function and processes.
Order Affordable Big Food Dutch Chlorella NOW!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Here at Plent, we have high-quality Chlorella tablets that are lab tested to make sure there are no contaminants or harmful substances in them, including our brands Plantforce and Big Food.
Choosing whether to pick Chlorella powder or tablet is entirely up to you. Chlorella powder gives the consumer the option to add Chlorella to drinks, smoothies, and juices. In contrast, Chlorella tablets offer convenience to consumers, where you can take them easily. Some combine both, where some use powders when they're at home and use tablets as a to-go chlorella supplement when they go out.
Chlorella is a green freshwater alga with a single cell that belongs to the Chlorellaceae family. Chlorella is one of the oldest lifeforms on earth and is one of the lifeforms that has learned to adapt to survive in harsh environments. This green freshwater alga dates to 2.5 billion years ago and is considered a "survival champion" (Pura Chlorella).
Chlorella pyrenoidosa is a single-celled freshwater alga that originates from the Chlorellaceae family. Like Spirulina, Chlorella has exploded in popularity as a nutritional supplement in recent years due to its rich and diverse nutritional profile.
Consisting of approximately 50% of protein, the algae superfood also offers sources of crucial vitamins and minerals, Chlorophyll and carotenoids (e.g., lutein). By grinding the superfood algae into a potent powder, the nutritional density of just a single teaspoon can provide you with your daily needs of many of these micronutrients.
Most of the time, consumers get confused between Chlorella and Spirulina when they are very different. Chlorella only grows in freshwaters, while Spirulina grows in saltwater. Both contain antioxidants, minerals, and nutrients, but Chlorella includes five times more Chlorophyll than Spirulina. (Source: Chlorella-Europe) You can also get both the nutrients of Chlorella and Spirulina in one supplement. You can know more and get to choose from Big Food Chlorella Spirulina
Chlorella and Spirulina are two of the most well-known microalgae. They belong to two different species. In terms of which is better, it would depend on which nutrient or for what use you would need the two. In terms of nutrient content, Chlorella contains a higher chlorophyll content as well as Vitamin A, B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), and B6. While both equally contain B9 (folate) (Source: Research Gate). Interestingly, you can also take chlorella and spirulina together. You can order chlorella and spirulina combined tablets on this webshop.
Chlorella is safe for consumption. However, if you're taking Warfarin, you shouldn't use chlorella supplements. Chlorella is a good source of Vitamin K, which aids in blood coagulation, essential for wound healing.
Warfarin is a blood thinner that is used by people who take it. Warfarin can be counteracted by taking Chlorella (a vitamin K-rich supplement). (Source: My.Health)
Chlorella does not have any known side effects. People using Chlorella for the first time may experience gas, cramping, and bloating, but this is mainly related to Chlorella's fiber and nutritional value. It is relatively safe to continue if the person does not experience any adverse symptoms such as difficulty breathing and hives.
For our brand, the best way to use Chlorella is to build it up slowly. Start taking 2 grams (4 tablets) per day with a glass of water and slowly build it up in 2 weeks to 2 to 3 grams (8 to 12 tablets) per day.
We recommend not exceeding the recommended amount. The use of chlorella should not be rushed and built up too quickly.
If you want to build even further, we advise you to listen carefully to the body.
Chlorella can be consumed at any time of day. However, for optimal digestion, it is best taken around half an hour before a meal. The optimum time to take it is before breakfast, but never right before or after having coffee or soft drinks, as caffeine has a negative impact on the digestive system.
Chlorella has been shown to help treat constipation and enhance gut health in several trials conducted in Japan. This is feasible because of Chlorella's indigestible cell wall or "fiber," which can help facilitate food transit from the stomach to the intestine and increase the frequency of bowel movements. (Source: Chlorella)
According to studies. Chlorella has been found to possess probiotic and prebiotic effects. (Source: MDP). Chlorella contains live microorganisms that act as a probiotic wherein it helps balance the natural gut bacteria whenever there is a foreign or unwanted bacteria, or illness (Source: NHS), while its plant fibers also act as a prebiotic that serves as a fertilizer to gut bacteria, helping it grow and stimulate its activity.
For first-time users, some of the side effects of taking Chlorella may include diarrhea, nausea, gas (flatulence), and green coloration of stool during the first week.
As per research, Chlorella products may contain 104 mg of iron per 100 g dry weight. (Source: NCBI). Nevertheless, it is still best to check the nutrition facts label of your chosen Chlorella product to determine what the amount of iron is per serving.
Chlorella contains a handful of Vitamins such as Vitamin A, Vitamin B1 (Thiamin), B2 (Riboflavin), B3 (Niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6, E, and vitamin K (Source: MDPI).
If you're using Warfarin, you shouldn't use chlorella supplements.
Chlorella is a good source of Vitamin K, which aids in blood coagulation, essential for wound healing.
Warfarin is a blood thinner that is used by persons who take it. Warfarin can be counteracted by taking chlorella (a vitamin K-rich supplement). (Source: My.Health)
Since Chlorella is rarely examined and mainly conducted on animal subjects, it has yet to be studied in human trials for its weight-loss effects.
Chlorella pyrenoidosa, on the other hand, is more commonly investigated as a supplement that may help to lower blood pressure, reduce cholesterol levels, speed up wound healing, and improve immune function. (Source: Pubmed)